At Expect Wellness, our goal is to help everyone in the family live a healthier life, naturally. Explore our services to learn more about how we can help you on your journey to wellness.
Integrative Holistic Medicine
Integrative Holistic Medicine

Have you been feeling sick, fatigued, or just not as healthy as you’d like to be? Integrative Holistic Medicine might be right for you!

Integrative Holistic Medicine is relationship-centered care in which you work together with your doctor to achieve your health goals.

When you come to Expect Wellness, Dr. Hall takes the core principles of Integrative Holistic Medicine into consideration so she can help you meet your goals, treat any illnesses, and live a healthier, happier life.

Dr. Hall evaluates each person as a whole system, so she can consider all aspects of wellness when creating a treatment plan to preserve your body or return it to optimal health. By addressing all areas of health as a whole, she creates the most effective, integrative treatment plan to restore or improve your condition.

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Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine

Have you gone to doctor after doctor looking to solve your pains, only for them to treat the symptoms instead of finding out what’s really going on with your body?

Functional Medicine strives to find the “root” of a medical problem as opposed to only treating symptoms. A close relationship between you and your doctor is required to best alleviate any issues. Once all conditions are assessed, a plan can be formed to begin treating the issues and their causes.

To begin, Dr. Hall conducts a full assessment of your medical history and current ailments. Once the medical history is complete, a physical exam may take place. Finally, labs are processed, and a plan can begin to take shape.

Dr. Hall will recommend the necessary lifestyle changes and/or medical practices that will bring you back to full health over a certain period of time.

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Health Coaching
Health Coaching

Looking to improve your overall health? Health coaching can help you stick with it!

Health coaching is a way for you to improve your health by changing your habits, all while supported by a health coach.

Very few people are able to make major changes without some sort of support. At Expect Wellness your commitment to a lifestyle change is guided and championed by our health coach, Elena.

Each client has 5 one on one sessions with Elena to learn the specific areas that affect your body’s ability to function properly, how to improve your health by changing your habits and to help you if you get stuck or face potential barriers.

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Weight Loss
Weight Loss

At Expect Wellness, we provide guidance for a healthy diet and exercise plan to help you feel and look like your best self as soon as possible.

You’ve heard it before: The best way to lose weight is to diet and exercise. And that’s not wrong—you should watch what you eat and try to fit in some exercise every day—but what really makes or breaks a weight loss program is education.

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IV Therapy
IV Therapy

Intravenous Therapy is a method of feeding your body the nutrients it needs (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.) directly into the bloodstream. There are many different varieties of IV Therapy, each targeting different needs.

With IV Therapy at Expect Wellness, the direct infusion of nutrients into the bloodstream allows for much higher absorption of vitamins and minerals than when they are administered orally.

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Chelation Therapy
Chelation Therapy

Chelation Therapy is the process of removing toxic heavy metals from the bloodstream.

In Chelation Therapy, chelating agents are infused into your bloodstream to chemically bond with heavy metals, and ultimately remove them from the body.

Patients with cardiovascular issues use Chelation Therapy to reduce the build-up of calcium plaque in their arteries. Reducing the build-up also increases blood flow throughout the entire body, aiding those with circulatory problems.

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