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What happens during menopause?

Menopause is a normal biological process that every woman goes through as part of aging. It’s the inevitable end of your menstrual cycle that signifies the end of your childbearing years. Women in the United States typically experience menopause during their 40s and 50s, though this change in your life can begin a year or more before you finally reach the end of your menstrual cycles.

Once you’ve gone a full 12 months without a period, you’re considered to be in menopause. The symptoms of menopause are not always pleasant, and some are rather disruptive.

What symptoms commonly occur during menopause?

As your body goes through the time period leading up to menopause, known as perimenopause, you may begin to experience a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Chills
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Lower sex drive
  • Sleep irregularities
  • Lower energy levels
  • Weight gain
  • Thinning hair
  • Dry skin and changes in skin tone
  • Breast changes

The type and frequency of symptoms are different for every woman. If they become disruptive to your life and affect your relationships, Dr. Hall offers natural, effective treatment methods, including pellet or troche (gummy that dissolves under your lip) bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.  Unlike synthetic hormone replacement, bioidentical hormones are the exact same molecules as your hormones and are safe and improve your health, slow aging, and reverse the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

How can I minimize my menopausal symptoms?

Since Dr. Hall takes a whole-person approach to helping you manage and minimize menopause symptoms, she may recommend a variety of treatments. Making nutritional changes, taking natural supplements, and adding regular exercise to your routine may help relieve symptoms. Additionally, pellet hormone replacement therapy is an effective way to manage some of the symptoms and changes related to menopause, by helping to replenish low levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

If you need help managing all the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes that occur as you enter into this stage of your life, it’s important to discuss your concerns with Dr. Hall. She takes a compassionate approach to this sensitive experience and can help relieve your symptoms to restore the quality of your life and relationships. She also determines if you have any other underlying health concerns that could be contributing to your menopausal symptoms.

Contact the office with any questions, or if you know you want to get started, use the contact form to request an appointment.