When community levels are high, here is what we are doing to keep you safe when you come into the office:
- When at all possible, maintaining at least 6 feet from each other and you.
- Staggering appointment times to keep the number of people in the office at any one time to minimum.
- You can also ask if your appointment could be done via telemedicine/Zoom.
- Cleaning surfaces regularly.
- Wearing masks per the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendation.
What we ask of you if you’re coming to the office:
If you have any potential symptoms of COVID 19, do not come to the office.
If you have been around someone who has a positive COVID 19 test, call us to determine if you can come to the office.
At this time we are asking that everyone have an appointment to come into the office.
If you are going to be late for your appointment, please call and let us know.
When at all possible, maintain at least 6 feet from others.
If COVID 19 levels are high in Richland/Lexington counties, masks must be worn over the nose and mouth the entire time you are in the office, even if you are in a room alone. Please bring your own mask.
Anyone, including children, coming with you to your appointment during high community levels must be able to reliably wear a mask properly the entire time. If your child is too young to wear a mask, or not compliant with wearing a mask for significant periods of time, please find childcare arrangements.
Wearing a cloth covering over your nose and mouth reduces the spread of COVID 19. People infected, but not showing symptoms, spread the virus through respiratory droplets. Wearing a covering over your nose and mouth contains these droplets to the cloth, reducing the spread. Wearing a mask does not prevent you from getting infected by someone shedding the virus and not wearing a mask, so please respect those around you and wear a mask.
When community levels are high Dr. Hall recommends wearing a mask anytime you leave your home or car. Keep your mask on while talking, even on the phone, and refrain from touching your mask, therefore fit is really important. Other countries and states have shown that if everyone does this very simple act of solidarity when they must leave the house, infection rates drop drastically.